AWAreness Report Global Wine Label Market 2020
Global Wine Label AWAreness™ Report 2020 is the sixth assessment of the current status of this highly-specialized area of use for labels and labeling technologies.
The report provides a comprehensive background to and understanding of the current status of the wine label market. The report describes the trends in volume growth and materials technology by region and identifies the main drivers for these trends. The report also identifies the challenges and opportunities in the wine label market and highlights the geographical and market sectors with greater opportunities. Competitive product decoration technologies are also outlined in the report to provide context.
The wine market represents a tremendous opportunity for labeling, often with specialty requirements and value-added decoration. We note that the market share of pressure-sensitive labels continues to increase. As the market evolves and new opportunities emerge, the Global Wine Label AWAreness™ Report 2020 offers insight into the issues that face the product decoration media used on a worldwide basis.
Table Of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Methodology
1.3. Definitions, Abbreviations, & Units
1.3.1. Definitions
1.3.2. Abbreviations & Units
2. Executive Summary
3. Global Wine Label Market
3.1. Wine Market Structure
3.2. Global Wine Production – Geographic Distribution
3.2.1. ‘Old World’ Wine Producing Countries/Regions
3.2.2. ‘New World’ Wine Producing Countries/Regions
3.3. Global Wine Production and Consumption
3.4. Wine Market Economics
4. Worldwide Wine Producers
4.1. Key Global Wine Producers
4.1.1. Key Global Wine Producers
4.2. Key Regional Wine/Sparkling Wine Producers
4.2.1. North America
4.2.2. South America
4.2.3. Europe
4.2.4. Africa and Middle East
4.2.5. Asia
5. Global Wine Label Market
5.1. Wine Label Market Structure
5.2. Global Wine Label Market
5.3. Wine Labeling Technology
5.3.1. Global
5.3.2. Europe
5.3.3. North America
5.3.4. South America
5.3.5. Australia/New Zealand
5.3.6. South Africa
5.3.7. China
5.4. Wine Label Market Growth Drivers
5.5. Market Threats and Opportunities
5.5.1. Threats
5.5.2. Opportunities
6. Wine Label Materials
6.1. Wine Label Materials
6.2. Face Materials
6.2.1. Paper
6.2.2. Film
7. Wine Product Decoration Technologies
7.1. Labeling Technologies
7.1.1. Glue-applied
7.1.2. Pressure-sensitive
7.1.3. Sleeve
7.2. Printing Technologies
7.3. Product and Brand Security Technologies
7.4. Alternative Bottle Decoration Technologies
8. Wine Label Converting
8.1. Other Label Converting Technologies
9. Company Directory
9.1. Label Material Suppliers